Up and Running

Well, I finally got my Camino website running. It is a bit funny since I build websites for a living. The challenge was more of, “Why and when do you start a website?” I have certainly enjoyed many other Camino blogs and considered starting one once I committed to the journey. At some point, the time is now.

I haven’t even gone yet, at least, not physically. But, I have been doing so much research and taking so many notes and starting to test gear and pick dates and make plans that now seem like a good time to start processing it into a tool that may help others out.

I often find that the more you do for others, the more it is returned to you. You can look at it from both a spiritual and humanistic sense. We may have often heard of it as the Golden Rule or What Comes Around, Goes Around. Some goes as far as a Platinum Rule: “Treat others the way they want to be treated.”

This blog is not so much for me as it is for those who may find value in it either as entertainment or for preparing for a journey or pilgrimage themselves.

Wishing everyone a Buen Camino. Please note that some of these posts while on the trail are done via mobile device and could contain poor grammar, spell check and auto text placement by the phone. I also do not know the frequency of updates since WIFI may not always be available or enjoying a day of technology detox.